Three Ways To Help Depression


Many of us have experienced the heaviness and hopelessness of depression at some level and at some point in our lives, even if it was just for a short time. So what can we do to help depression and move ourselves up and out of this low 'frequency' state?

I recently watched a fascinating interview by the Wisdom From North presenter Jannecke Øinæs who was interviewing fellow Norwegian Vibecke Garnaas. Vibecke is a 'channel', which means she can connect and converse with spiritual beings on higher planes or dimensions of existence for guidance and healing.

Jannecke Øinæs and Vibecke Garnaas

Vibecke channels several high frequency beings including her lifelong spiritual guide, Zarius. During this interview, Vibecke goes into trance and Zarius speaks through her in response to a question that Jannecke asks about depression.

If this sounds rather 'far out', then I completely understand. However, it is useful to apply some key tests to assess any kind of guidance, whatever its source:

  • Does it make sense? 
  • Does it come from a place of love?
  • Is it helpful?

For me, Zarius' answers ticked all three of these requirements, so I wanted to share this interview with you. Perhaps it resonates with you as well?

Here it is...

Jannecke: "For those who are suffering with deep mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, it seems that it's not easy to raise your frequency when you're really deep down in a depression. For instance, when we're not seeing the point in anything. What can we do to help ourselves in these situations?"

Zarius: "It is as we spoke, my friend, to find the joy in the small things in life, and I re-acknowledge that joy is a high frequency but it is a mental image of what brought you peace, what brought you happiness, what brought you joy in previous lifetimes or in this lifetime.

kitten and flower

"It is to acknowledge that you do know within your core being how to be happy. And when you acknowledge that you have been happy once in your life, you can start backtracking - to collect that vibration through acting and taking small steps.

"And this is what humanity needs to understand through the frequency which is caused by depression as well - it is the other side of the coin if you wish. It is, my friend, to move in nature, to always use the elements, to acknowledge that the most medicine humans have today is by being in motion.

Walking in nature

"You have to move your physical body to be in motion to allow soul energy to be in motion. The motion of a body will release blockages. It will also allow you to pull nature's energy through what you as humans experience, through the beauty and the kindness, and the elements.

"So doing small steps each and every day will allow you to move through that season. But remember, my friend, that there is always a lesson to be learned. So when you move through that frequency [of depression] and you start feeling better, you will also need to accept and integrate the lessons to be able to lift your vibration, if you wish."

Did any of Zarius' message resonate with you? 

Here are three 'take aways' that stood out for me that may help to lift the low energetic 'frequency' of depression:

  1. Each day, focus on something that has brought you joy or happiness in the past, however small that might be.
  2. Each day, move your body. Go for a walk, do some yoga, qi gong, or any type of gentle exercise.
  3. Each day, be with, and appreciate nature in some way.
Flying a kite

It's interesting that Zarius also mentions 'always to use the elements', which may point to the additional benefits of diet, breathwork and perhaps even herbal medicine as ways of helping depression.

Of course, depression is a complex condition and the root causes are subtly different for everyone who suffers from it. There is no one-size-fits-all 'magic' cure. However, it is always a good idea to get help and support by first talking to a qualified therapist or medical professional.

If the spiritual/holistic approach resonates with you, then you are of course welcome to book a free consultation with me to discuss your experience and explore options.

Depression may have touched your life in some way. If so, I hope that the interview with Zarius resonates with you, and his suggestions might bring you some healing and hope to move forward and create a lighter and brighter future.

Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share it.

Best wishes,


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