4 Simple Steps To Manifest The Life You Want

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Science has now proven that our conscious mind can affect the physical world around us (the famous double slit experiment). As a result there has been an explosion of articles and videos about how to manifest the life you want. For example, you may have seen sensational headlines such as:

'Secret Manifest Guide: Attract anything you want in life'

'How to Manifest: A guide to willing your goals into reality'

Many of these articles explain that the secret to creating a new reality is by repeatedly imagining what we want to manifest with a liberal sprinkling of patience.

However, imagination and patience are only half the story. There are other essential ingredients that must be added to this mix, and some key ideas to understand about how the process of creating your desired reality really works.

Manifesting our reality is a natural process, which we are all capable of, and indeed already doing on a daily basis, even if we're not yet aware of it.

In this article, we explore 4 simple steps to manifesting to create the life that you would like to experience. This wisdom is based on communications from the Pleidians as channelled by Wendy Kennedy, as well as many other spiritual leaders, together with my own thoughts on the process.

Manifestation Essentials

Before we dive into these 4 simple steps, we need to understand a few basic concepts about the universe in which we live (no don't skip this part - it's important!).

The basis of 'The Secret' and 'Law of Attraction' is that like attracts like. This may seem contrary to the laws of physics, where a North pole attracts a South pole, or a positive charge attracts a negative charge.

magnet - law of attraction

However, even in classical physics, we can get a feel for the like-attracts-like law by considering two taut strings which have the same resonant frequency. When one string vibrates and emits sound waves, then the other will start to resonate in sympathy. So vibrations 'attract', and cause other 'like' vibrations to come into being.

Just like these strings, your feelings have a certain energy and vibration about them, which emit into the universe. These frequency transmissions then attract experiences into your life of a similar frequency.

So as the creators we are, we need to remember that feelings are the language and essence of the Universe, and so are key ingredients in the manifestation recipe.

The other vital concept to understand is that not all experiences are in our highest and best good. We all incarnate on Earth with a purpose, which usually includes healing limiting beliefs, experiencing certain aspects of life, and expressing ourselves authentically.

Woman watering a plant

Every one of us has one or more spiritual guides that work behind the scenes to help us achieve these goals, which we planned before coming to Earth.

Bear in mind then that winning the lottery and living the life of a billionaire may not be on your Earth incarnation goal sheet! As a result, trying to manifest this reality will be much more difficult as our guides will be reluctant to help us get there.

In the long run, trying to manifest a goal that is not in alignment won't do you any favours, not to mention the multitude of other souls that depend on you to help them in some way by achieving your actual life goals. It could lead you to judge yourself at your end of life review, so that you vow to try again in another incarnation, thus perpetuating the cycle of karma.

This was the essential secret left out of Rhonda Byrne's revolutionary book 'The Secret'. 

That said, our spiritual guides are very good at 'course correcting', so even if were able to manifest an experience that wasn't in proper alignment with our soul's planned journey, they may still be able to help us heal and grow spiritually through that experience in some respect.

It's also important to understand that if you ask the Universe for something, then other experiences that are already in your reality may need to change. If this happens, it is because the new experience is not compatible with your existing reality in some way.

So how do we know if what we want to manifest is in alignment with our life purpose? Let's address this as we explore the 4 essential steps to create the reality that your soul desires...


Step 1: Feel What You Want To Manifest

Decide on something that you would like to create in your life, write it down, and put it in a location where you will see it every day. Then relax somewhere quiet where you won't be disturbed and check in with your body for a few minutes. What sensations are you experiencing in this moment?

Once you feel your mind begin to let go and quieten, focus your attention on what you wrote down. Ask yourself, "I wonder how it would feel to experience this reality?"

Try not to think about what it would look like yet, but see if you can feel into it through your heart centre and your body. Does it feel exciting? Energising? Peaceful? Safe? Loving? Any positive feelings such as these indicate that your chosen manifestation goal is likely to be in alignment with your life purpose.

Try cultivating a feeling of gratitude for your desired outcome, as if it is already in existence. This is a particularly powerful way of tapping into your feelings and sending out manifestation energies.

Stay with these positive feelings for a few minutes and then give yourself a pat on the back - you have started the manifestation process!

On the other hand, if you received neutral or even negative feelings about your chosen goal, or perhaps even a slightly uncomfortable sensation in your body, then you have a good indication that this goal is not in alignment with your soul's path. It's time to choose something else!

Cultivating your internal feelings in this way connects you to your feminine energy within. Try to do this on a regular basis over the next week, whilst checking that your desired outcome is still in alignment (does it still feel good?). Then move on to step 2. 

It's worth noting that your Higher Self is constantly reminding you of your life purpose through your dreams. An expert analysis of your dreams can therefore be invaluable for bringing your into alignment with your soul's chosen path without all the guesswork!

Boy sleeping

Step 2: Activate Your Imagination

After a week or so of tapping into the internal feeling of your desired reality, it is then time to fire up the internal masculine energy of imagination.

Again, relax in a quiet place, check in with your body and notice your breathing for a minute or two. Then bring in the familiar positive feelings associated with what you want to manifest, and start to imagine what this might look like right now.

Bring all your senses into this reverie so you can see, hear, taste, touch and perhaps even smell the experience. Let your imagination have the freedom to create the reality you want inside of you, very much like a focused daydream.

You'll probably find that doing this will make the positive feelings associated with your goal even easier to access, so do continue to nurture these feelings alongside your visualisations.

Who are the people you might be interacting with? Where are you located? What clothes are you wearing and what do you look like as you enjoy the flow of your created reality?

Repeat this exercise several times over the next week.

Achieving your goals

Step 3: Bring Your Awareness Into The Now

By this time you will have been working on manifesting your desired experience internally for a couple of weeks. During each 5-10 minute session, you will have been sending out invisible energies of creative intention (feelings and imagination) into the universe.

Just like sound waves that cause other objects in the vicinity to resonate, you will have started the process of bringing similar frequency experiences into your perceived reality.

So now is the time to increase your awareness of the present moment. Notice what is happening around you as you go through your day. What people, situations and opportunities do you observe? It could be the smallest thing, so try to supercharge your attention into the present moment.

Doing this harnesses your external feminine energy of allowing and being open to the Universe and its response to your manifestation desires.

Practising meditation daily is an excellent way to improve your awareness of the 'now moment' during this next phase.

At this point in the manifestation process, it's usually a good idea to keep transmitting the energy of your 'feelings and imagination' of your desired outcome by continuing to practise Step 2. However, you may only need to do this once a week just to keep the momentum going.

Balloon rising

Step 4: Engage With External Opportunities

Through the next weeks and months, continue with step 3, maintaining your awareness of situations, people or opportunities in the present moment. When something 'comes up' that could be in alignment with your desired reality, now is the time to engage with it.

It may take courage to step outside of your comfort zone to take action, but the very act of exploring these new opportunities will reinforce your transmission of manifestation energy into the universe. This masculine energy of physically taking action sends a powerful message to the Universe, and says, "Yes! This is what I want!"

Then simply see what happens and enjoy the journey of birthing a new and intentional reality into your life.

Give It Time

Here on the Earth plane, it can take weeks, months or even years to manifest what you want to bring into your life, depending on the size and nature of the goal and how attuned you are to the manifestation process. So it's important to develop patience and perseverence during this creative journey.


I believe that the reason for this time 'speed limit' is to help us learn the manifestation process which is part of our divine nature as creative beings.

In spirit, manifestation can occur in an instant because time as we understand it here on Earth doesn't exist. However, this is a double-edged sword, because if we haven't developed the skill of consciously directing our feelings and imagination, we can unwittingly create a reality that ends up limiting us, rather than setting us free.

So think of your journey here on Earth as a training ground for honing your skills as a creative being!

Start Small

Finally, if you are new to the manifestation process, I recommend starting small with whatever you want to bring into your life. As with learning any new skill, taking 'baby steps' and gradually building up to attract more significant changes will help you to appreciate your progress and keep you motivated.

Baby ducks

Establishing a daily or weekly routine to 'sit and manifest' will also be well worthwhile, as repetition by re-affirming our intentions here on the Earth plane is essential for the creative process.

4 Steps to Manifesting Your Reality

So to sum up, we have covered four essential steps to manifest new experiences in your life:

  1. Tap into your feelings (is your goal in alignment?)
  2. Use your imagination (use all your senses)
  3. Spot opportunities (practice awareness of the present moment)
  4. Take action (step out of your comfort zone!)

Click here to download the PDF worksheet to help you work through these steps. 

Make sure that your desired goal is written down in plain view somewhere, and remember to start small so you can see results faster and develop your belief in yourself as a creator.

Finally, have patience and perseverance - enjoy the journey and see where it takes you!

Thanks for reading! I hope you have found this article helpful and insightful. Please feel free to share it will family and friends, and comment below - it will be great to hear your experience of the manifestation process!

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