What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing (sometimes called energy healing or hands-on healing) is a treatment that involves the direct transfer of energy through the healer to the recipient.

This process promotes natural self-healing to bring the recipient into a state of balance and wellbeing.

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I offer spiritual healing to clients who visit us at our Tring studio in the UK.

When healing, I don't transfer my own energy, but simply act as a channel through which 'Universal' or 'Divine' energy can flow. 

This healing process is not associated with a particular religion and it doesn't matter if you are sceptical - it can still have a beneficial effect.

There are an estimated 12-18,000 spiritual healers in the UK1According to ukhealers.info and scientific trials have successful demonstrated its effectiveness.

Olly & Lee-Anne Wedgwood

Both Olly & Lee-Anne Wedgwood are spiritual healers

What happens in a healing session?

The recipient sits in a chair, relaxed and fully clothed. The healer then places their hands lightly on the recipient's shoulders, or on the front and back of their head, and allows healing energies to flow into them.

A full healing session typically takes about 45 minutes including a brief discussion beforehand.

If you are unable to sit in a chair, then we can find other options to receive the healing, such as lying down etc.

We usually play some gentle background music during the session and invite you to relax and enjoy the experience.


Who can benefit from spiritual healing?

Anyone can receive benefit from this type of energy healing, whether it is simply to help lift someone who is feeling 'low', or for more long-term mental and physical conditions such as anxiety, depression, IBS, IBD, arthritis, cancer, ME and chronic pain.

However, it is important to understand that as healers, we cannot promise any particular outcome because we are simply acting as a 'conduit' through which universal energy can flow and heal.

People rainbow

What does it feel like to receive healing?

Many people describe a relaxing warmth coming from the spiritual healer's hands, a feeling of comfort and sometimes tingling or even coolness. The recipient may also experience other sensations and feelings during the healing.

Some people do not experience any sensations but simply enjoy relaxing for the duration of the session. The healing will be just as effective, whether you feel anything or not.

Buddha smile


What are the effects of spiritual healing?

The positive effects of spiritual healing can include an improvement in physical symptoms, reduction in pain, a feeling of peace, being 'lighter', and having more energy.

Some people report feeling benefits after just one healing session. However, typically it may take 5-6 sessions to see an improvement, particularly for long-term conditions.

Balance stones

Does energy healing actually work?

Yes. In 2016, one of the largest trials of spiritual energy healing to date was carried out by the University of Birmingham. The results showed clinically and statistically significant improvements in physical issues and quality of life. The researchers confirmed that the level of these improvements was substantially greater than could be expected from the placebo effect.

Medical Trial

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